Saturday, August 10, 2024

The importance of work experience in the performance of workers

Currently, a worrying trend has established itself in the business environment: the underestimation of work experience as a determining factor in the performance of workers. This trend has led to the hiring of young or inexperienced staff, which can lead to errors and poor customer service. In turn, it has caused workers with longer time in the company to feel left out and unrecognised.

Unfortunately, the socially dominant business vision despises and undervalues ​​the work and professional experience treasured by older workers. This attitude de facto discards an important wealth of applied technical knowledge, only accessible through experience. This professional knowledge is of extraordinary value and importance in terms of efficiency and reliability in the different areas of production, and unfortunately, most of the time it does not find the fair recognition it deserves.

It is crucial to understand that work experience is a determining factor in the performance of workers. Through it, employees acquire skills, knowledge and abilities that allow them to perform efficiently and effectively in their work. As workers gain experience, they become more efficient at their tasks and can solve problems more effectively.

On the other hand, inexperienced workers may be less efficient and effective at their jobs. They may take longer to complete tasks and may have difficulty identifying and solving problems. They may also lack the understanding necessary to work effectively with other departments or areas of the company.

It is essential to recognize that work experience not only refers to the time spent in a position, but also to the diversity and quality of the projects in which one has participated. Workers who have had the opportunity to work on a variety of challenging projects and who have received training and professional development may have more valuable experience that translates into better performance on the job.

In summary, work experience is a critical factor that influences employee performance. The quantity and quality of the experience can have a significant impact on the efficiency, effectiveness and innovation of workers and the company.

It is the responsibility of employers to recognize the value of work experience and provide opportunities for employees to acquire and develop additional skills and knowledge. By doing so, they will not only significantly improve individual performance, but also the collective performance of the company.

It is necessary to change this trend and properly value work experience as a fundamental asset for business success. Only by recognizing and valuing work experience can we make the most of workers' potential and guarantee optimal performance in all areas of the company.

In a world where innovation and efficiency are key to business competitiveness, we cannot afford to waste the valuable knowledge and skills that only work experience can provide.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Ship Brokering

The shipping industry is a crucial component of the global economy, with maritime transport responsible for over 90% of the world's trade. Despite the emergence of air transport, sea transport remains a vital part of many manufacturers' supply chains, as it is a cost-effective way to move large amounts of goods and raw materials around the world. Additionally, seaborne trade is often considered more environmentally friendly than air cargo.

The success of the shipping industry relies heavily on shipbrokers, who act as intermediaries between shipowners and charterers. Successful shipbrokers are experts in the shipping industry, with a strong interest in business and a talent for developing innovative approaches and ideas. They are also excellent negotiators and influencers who are committed to delivering excellent results for their clients.

The work of shipbrokers is challenging, often requiring them to work across multiple time zones to keep up with their contacts. Even after a deal is done, the best shipbrokers continue to monitor the movements of cargo and stay up-to-date with trends in the maritime industry and the market sectors they support.

As the shipping industry continues to evolve and adapt to new technology and changing customer needs, the role of shipbrokers will remain essential in ensuring the smooth movement of goods and products around the world.

Ship brokering is a vital aspect of the global shipping industry, connecting ship owners and operators with cargo owners who need to transport their goods by sea. The role of a ship broker is to act as an intermediary between the two parties, negotiating terms and facilitating the transfer of cargo and payment. A ship broker must have a comprehensive understanding of the shipping market, including market trends, regulations, shipping contracts, and maritime law. They must also possess excellent communication and negotiation skills, as well as high levels of professionalism and ethical standards. 

The ship brokering process involves identifying the needs of both ship owners and charterers, finding suitable vessels, negotiating terms, drafting and finalizing the charter party agreement, and facilitating the transfer of cargo and payment. There are several types of ship brokering, including dry cargo brokering, tanker brokering, and chartering brokering. Each type requires specialized knowledge of the vessels, cargo markets, regulations, and contracts associated with that type of shipment. 

In conclusion, ship brokering is a complex and specialized field that plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth flow of goods around the world. A ship broker's expertise and professionalism are essential to match the right ship with the right charterer, negotiate terms, and facilitate the transfer of cargo and payment.

In addition, ship brokers must be able to adapt to the constantly evolving nature of the shipping industry, staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends. This requires a continuous learning mindset and a willingness to embrace change.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Boardwalk Empire (2010 - 2014)

                                            Blog Rating: 8.80 out of 10

Today I want to talk about a series that has me completely hooked: Boardwalk Empire.

Since 2010, this HBO series transports us to the time of the 1920s in Atlantic City, where the prohibition of alcohol and the rise of organized crime make this city a place full of vices and pleasures. The story follows district treasurer Enoch "Nucky" Thompson, played by the talented Steve Buscemi, who runs his empire with cunning and violence.

Steve Buscemi as "Nucky" Thompson

But what really makes Boardwalk Empire such a unique series is its impressive production. Every detail is carefully designed to transport us to that time: the gigantic sets, the dramatic lighting, the music of the time and the impeccable costumes. It is as if we were watching a live play.

Kelly Macdonald as Margaret

In addition, the series addresses very interesting topics about politics and corruption in the United States during that time. The figure of Nucky Thompson is fascinating, as he blurs the lines between legal and illegal and uses whatever method is available to maintain his power.

But it's not all politics and crime in Boardwalk Empire. The series also shows us the daily life of ordinary people in Atlantic City, from tourists visiting the famous boardwalk to workers struggling to survive in a city full of dangers.

In summary, Boardwalk Empire is an essential series for any lover of history, crime, drama and good television. Its impeccable production, smart script, and talented cast make each episode a unique experience. So if you haven't seen it yet, don't wait any longer.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

The Killing (2011 - 2014)

                                             Blog Rating: 8.60 out of 10

"The Killing", a series that has been adapted in different countries, but this time we will talk about the US version.

The plot revolves around the murder of Rosie Larsen, a 17-year-old girl who was found dead in Seattle. Two detectives, Sarah Linden and Stephen Holder, are in charge of investigating the case and discovering the culprit. But not everything is so simple, since the investigation will affect the political career of a young mayoral candidate and will test the personal lives of the detectives.

Mireille Enos as Sarah Linden

What makes "The Killing" special is that each season focuses on a single case, unlike other series where detectives solve a different case each episode. Also, the series takes its time to develop the plot and characters, allowing the viewer to get more involved in the story.

The actors are exceptional in their roles. Mireille Enos stars as Sarah Linden, a dedicated detective but with personal problems that make her vulnerable. Joel Kinnaman stars as Stephen Holder, Sarah's partner, an ex-cop undercover with secrets of his own. Together, they form a dynamic duo that keeps the viewer glued to the screen.

Joel Kinnaman as Stephen Holder

Another remarkable aspect of "The Killing" is its setting. The rainy city of Seattle is the perfect setting for a crime series. The photography is impeccable and the music creates a tense and mysterious atmosphere.

In summary, "The Killing" is a series that cannot be missed if you are a fan of the crime genre. With an intriguing plot, well-developed characters, and an impeccable setting, this series is a gem not to be missed.

Sunday, May 07, 2023

Election of the Constitutional Council in Chile: The right and center right will take full control with 33 seats

Today, May 7th, 2023, Chileans went to the polls to elect the members of the Constitutional Council, in a historic election that has left a bittersweet taste in the ruling party.

The Republican Party, led by José Antonio Kast, has become the great winner of election day, obtaining 36% of the votes and becoming the most voted party in Chile. This result is only comparable with the records of the Christian Democrats in the early 1990s.

The right and the center right have managed to take full control of the Constitutional Council, with 33 of the seats (of the total of 51 members), which allows them to achieve the 3/5 necessary to make important decisions. For its part, the Approve Dignity pact, led by Gabriel Boric, has managed to maintain its pulse and obtain 27% of the votes.

However, the great disappointment of the day has been the very poor performance of the parties of the former Concertación, which have not managed to obtain any seats. This leaves the ruling party in the minority in votes, percentages and seats.

Although the participation figure has been lower than in the Plebiscite, with 16% null votes and 4.5% white votes, this election has been the second most attended in the history of Chile. This shows that Chileans are committed to the democratic process and want to actively participate in making important decisions for the country.

This election has also raised several questions about interest in the process and what will happen in the December exit plebiscite. It is important that citizens are informed and actively participate in electoral processes, so that they can make informed decisions and contribute to the development of a more just and equitable society.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Growth Projection for Latin America

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has published its growth projections for the year 2023 in Latin America. According to the report, Argentina will experience growth of 0.2%, while Brazil would reach 0.9%. Colombia and Mexico will also record modest growth of 1.0% and 1.8%, respectively. On the other hand, Chile will be the only country in the region that will not grow, with a fall of 1.0%. As for Peru, it is expected to have growth of 2.4%. These numbers are important to markets and investors as they can influence investment decision-making and business planning.

It is important to note that these projections are subject to change based on various economic and political factors. Therefore, it is necessary to continue monitoring the evolution of the economy in the region to make informed decisions.

Chile projects negative growth

When talking about negative growth in a country, it refers to a situation in which the economy of that country is contracting instead of growing. In other words, the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) decreases instead of increasing.

This can be the result of several factors, such as a decrease in production, a drop in the demand for goods and services, a drop in foreign investment, among others. Negative growth can have serious consequences for the country's economy, such as the loss of jobs, the decrease in the purchasing power of the population and a decrease in the quality of life.

It is important to note that negative growth is not the same as an economic recession. A recession is defined as two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. However, a country can experience negative growth without technically being in recession.

To reverse negative growth, governments can implement economic policies that encourage investment and consumption, as well as measures to increase production and the country's competitiveness. These policies can include tax incentives for companies, training programs for workers, measures to reduce bureaucracy and encourage foreign investment.

In conclusion, negative growth is a worrying situation for any country, as it can have serious economic and social consequences. It is important that governments take measures to reverse this situation and promote sustainable and equitable growth.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Escape from Sobibor (1987)

Today I want to tell you about a movie I saw called "Escape from Sobibor". The film is based on the only documented successful revolt at a Nazi death camp in occupied Poland during World War II.

The story takes place in the autumn of 1943 in eastern Poland, where the Nazis exterminate several prisoners every day, who are separated and women and children are immediately admitted to the gas chambers, like most men. However, some of them have not yet broken away and are rallying around Red Army soldier Alexander Pechersky and planning a revolt to free as many prisoners as possible.

The movie is very well made and makes you feel the horror of the concentration camp. The images are authentic and immerse you in the dense atmosphere of the camp.

Unknown and sometimes inexperienced actors unfortunately often act too stiff. However, Rutger Hauer does his job very well and is convincing throughout the film.

In short, "Escape from Sobibor" is a movie that makes you feel the horror of the concentration camp and shows you the bravery of those who fought for their freedom. Despite some small details, the movie is very good and will keep you on your toes until the end. If you like history and movies based on true events, you should definitely watch "Escape from Sobibor".

If you are looking for a way to enjoy the movie, you are in the right place! I invite you to review the following links:

Sunday, April 02, 2023

Luther - Murders and psychological warfare (2010 - 2019)

 Blog Rating: 8.75 out of 10

This British series is about the life of a troubled but brilliant police detective at work, separated from his wife he loves passionately and who is torn between solving serial murders he investigates and his attempts to rekindle his marriage. 

His wife has found a new man, and he is in a relationship with a slightly crazy and narcissistic woman who killed her parents and her dog. Luther's stories show him in his daily life where he constantly has to solve new cases, and at the same time he has to fight a psychological battle against the woman who follows him and that does not make his life exactly easier.

Ruth Wilson as Alice Morgan

Idris Elba plays Luther, the chief inspector of the London police, a charismatic character, hard and bright. The rest of the actors are also good, especially the crazy woman interpreted magnificently by Ruth Wilson, who is sometimes a good help and other times she is looking to ruin Luther.

Some episodes are of high quality, are varied and offer some memorable scenes quite hard and brutal. Luther is exciting and offers unexpected twists in some episodes, it is a good series of crimes really recommended.

Sunday, March 05, 2023

Anne with an E (2017-2019)

Blog rating: 8.80 out of 10

I must admit that I have not read the novel on which this series is based (Anne of Green Gables written by Lucy Maud Montgomery and published in 1908), but it is a very well constructed work with beautiful characters and moving stories of hope and people of good soul.

Each chapter is good for the heart because they are simple stories like its protagonist, an orphan girl with red hair, freckles and a very long tongue. Anne is hyperactive and full of imagination, and comes to change the monotonous life of two brothers, Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert, due to a simple mistake.

Amybeth McNulty as Anne

In the first chapter Matthew Cuthbert goes to the train station to look for a boy to help at his Green Gables farm on the outskirts of the city of Avonlea, but instead he finds the young red-haired girl who starts talking to him in a well educated way but almost without taking a break, about how happy and excited she is about to become part of his family. 

This misunderstanding lasts most of the episode, and perhaps at the beginning it is difficult to get used to her rhythm and use of words, but during the course of the series you will become fond of her because of how well constructed her character is. And not only Anne, but the others around her.

R.H.Thomson as Matthew

The dimension of the protagonist Anne of 13 years, who asks to be called with an “E” to sound more distinguished, is considerably wide and actress Amybeth McNulty (who is actually 15 years old) conquers perfectly with her character, playing an Anne who, besides being talkative, nervous, funny, impulsive and happy, hides her dark side. Excessive imagination will lead her to imagine splendid, as well as spooky things. In the series we see how the girl silences the traumas she acquired when she worked in other houses previously helping with chores, and we will discover them and suffer them along with her.

As we mentioned, the first one is Matthew Cuthbert, an affable, gentle and quiet man. Marilla is the name of the sister, the most hostile, coarse and apathetic of the two, becoming the perfect villain for Anne at the beginning of her stay at this farm. Here we will see how she will transform her personality thanks to the experience of living with her new daughter, a simply masterful performance.

Geraldine James as Marilla

Then Marilla's neighbor and friend, named Rachel Lynde, appears. She welcomes Anne to the hard life of people who don't think about the other. There will also be the unconscious judgment of the small classmates of the school, or their mothers, or the bestiality of the young boys. But we will also have the best friend, Diana Barry (Odd Squad), and the only classic companion who understands her and she falls in love, Gilbert Blythe, played by Lucas Jade Zumann.

As we will see, Anne is the key piece that assembles everything, and at the same time transforms these characters, which help to highlight each dilemma and important theme that appears in each chapter. The series discusses many universal themes, such as forbidden love, death, lies or using imagination to defend oneself from the traumas lived, the difficult adaptation to new places, fatherhood / motherhood and traditional loves. However, Anne with all her wonderful imagination, innocence, intelligence and transparency, gives a different, new, fun and modern look to all this, fighting against the outdated vision of the other characters of advanced age.

The look of other female characters will also appear, from an independent old woman who never married, to a group of feminist mothers, who want their daughters to have a future studying and not waiting to serve or marry a man.

In summary, this Canadian series adapted by the winner of 3 Emmys awards for Breaking Bad, Moira Walley-Beckett, is a magnificent work that masterfully illustrates the reality of the time and that through its simple stories conveys a feeling of hope in these times of excessive reality.

Title: Anne With an E

Direction: Niki Caro, David Evans, Amanda Tapping

Screenplay: Moira Walley-Beckett (Novel: Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Cast: Amybeth McNulty, Geraldine James, R.H. Thomson, Dalila Bela, Lucas Jade Zumann, Aymeric Jett Montaz, Helen Johns, Christian Martyn, Kyla Matthews, Corrine Koslo, Ryan Kiera Armstrong, Ella Jonas Farlinger, Stephen Tracey, Kyle Meagher, Janet Porter, Helene Robbie, Tyler Barish.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Ministry of Transport announces opening of Chinese electric car market in Chile

Human Horizons

Update of Decree 26 by the Ministry of Transport will facilitate the approval in Chile of rechargeable vehicles sold in China.

A measure that seeks to enlarge the automotive industry and equate the requirements made to the different markets from which vehicles are imported, announced the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications when announcing an update to Decree 26, which will make the approval of vehicles easier and faster the homologation of electric vehicles in the Chinese market.

Until now, electric vehicles from the Asian giant that have been marketed in Chile since 2020 had to approve their safety devices and technology according to European, Japanese or North American standards, which resulted in higher costs for manufacturers. By the way, it prevented some models that are marketed in China from being imported into our country for the mere fact of not having the validation of other markets.

Wuling Hong Guang

For the Undersecretary of Transportation, Cristóbal Pineda, this decision was made "after an exhaustive review of the existing standards in China, and which was developed during the year 2021, demonstrating that the vehicle safety elements of said origin comply with levels comparable to others markets already authorised in our country as the European one”.

The measure announced by the Government puts justice in the market, allowing all vehicles to be measured with the same yardstick. In this way, the option is opened, for example, for the arrival of models such as the Wuling Hong Guang, the best-selling electric car in China and which has brought more than a million units to the local market since its premiere in 2020. In China has a price close to 3.5 million pesos (app USD 4,400) and, if it complies with safety requirements (double airbag, ABS, ESP), it could now be offered in Chile without having to seek approval in other countries.

“What the Ministry of Transport did is update the security regulations and minimum mandatory security elements required for any origin and within the regulations that are now accepted, regulations of Chinese origin are allowed -known as GB- and without a doubt which is good news," said Diego Mendoza, General Secretary of the National Automotive Association of Chile.


This modification is very important since China represents almost 60% of the sale of electric vehicles in the world. In this line, the authority indicated that "it will be much easier for Chinese brands to enter the Chilean market and this also has a drop in prices. It is estimated that Chinese vehicles have a cost between 20% and 30% less in comparison to other producing countries.

This is a measure that responds to the need to encourage electric transportation in the midst of a climate emergency that forces people to reduce greenhouse gases. In addition, it is part of the national electro mobility policy agenda that aims for 100% of the cars sold to be electric by 2035.

Despite the fact that electric cars are positioned as a more expensive option than vehicles that use fuel, the Undersecretary of Transportation maintained that international estimates project that "in ten years prices will tend to be the same between an internal combustion vehicle and an electric one.

Source: El Mercurio & La Tercera