Saturday, August 10, 2024

The importance of work experience in the performance of workers

Currently, a worrying trend has established itself in the business environment: the underestimation of work experience as a determining factor in the performance of workers. This trend has led to the hiring of young or inexperienced staff, which can lead to errors and poor customer service. In turn, it has caused workers with longer time in the company to feel left out and unrecognised.

Unfortunately, the socially dominant business vision despises and undervalues ​​the work and professional experience treasured by older workers. This attitude de facto discards an important wealth of applied technical knowledge, only accessible through experience. This professional knowledge is of extraordinary value and importance in terms of efficiency and reliability in the different areas of production, and unfortunately, most of the time it does not find the fair recognition it deserves.

It is crucial to understand that work experience is a determining factor in the performance of workers. Through it, employees acquire skills, knowledge and abilities that allow them to perform efficiently and effectively in their work. As workers gain experience, they become more efficient at their tasks and can solve problems more effectively.

On the other hand, inexperienced workers may be less efficient and effective at their jobs. They may take longer to complete tasks and may have difficulty identifying and solving problems. They may also lack the understanding necessary to work effectively with other departments or areas of the company.

It is essential to recognize that work experience not only refers to the time spent in a position, but also to the diversity and quality of the projects in which one has participated. Workers who have had the opportunity to work on a variety of challenging projects and who have received training and professional development may have more valuable experience that translates into better performance on the job.

In summary, work experience is a critical factor that influences employee performance. The quantity and quality of the experience can have a significant impact on the efficiency, effectiveness and innovation of workers and the company.

It is the responsibility of employers to recognize the value of work experience and provide opportunities for employees to acquire and develop additional skills and knowledge. By doing so, they will not only significantly improve individual performance, but also the collective performance of the company.

It is necessary to change this trend and properly value work experience as a fundamental asset for business success. Only by recognizing and valuing work experience can we make the most of workers' potential and guarantee optimal performance in all areas of the company.

In a world where innovation and efficiency are key to business competitiveness, we cannot afford to waste the valuable knowledge and skills that only work experience can provide.