Saturday, August 06, 2022

La Experiencia Socialista en Chile (Parte I): Tres años antes

Para comprender la gran crisis que se genero en Chile a principios de los años 1970 y que culmino con la intervención militar encabezada por el General Augusto Pinochet y el suicidio de Salvador Allende, es necesario conocer los hechos que antecedieron esta etapa de nuestra historia.

En Septiembre de 1973, Salvador Allende murió. Tres años antes era elegido Presidente de Chile, luego de cuatro intentos.

En 1952 sufrió una amplia derrota en contra de Carlos Ibañez. En 1958 casi lo consiguió y estuvo apenas a 33.000 votos de la victoria. En 1964 Eduardo Frei Montalva lo derroto por 432.000 votos.


Por eso, en la campaña de 1970 hubo muchos escépticos, desconfiaban en la misma izquierda, no estaban seguros si seria capaz de ganar en otro intento por llegar a la presidencia.

Finalmente y con la condición que gobernara junto a los jefes de partidos de la unidad popular, los partidos de izquierda apoyaron su candidatura. Seria un mandatario sin autonomía de mando.

Sus oponentes en 1970, eran el ex presidente Jorge Alessandri, representando al sector de la derecha, aunque él personalmente rechazaba que lo tildaran de derechista o conservador, prefería que lo asociaran con la eficiencia y la exactitud. En la campaña se destacarían sus rasgos de austeridad, hacia quince años que vivía solo en un antiguo edificio cercano a la Plaza de Armas de Santiago. Lo que podia jugarle en contra seria su avanzada edad, ya que entraría a La Moneda a los 78 años.

El otro rival era Radomiro Tomic, abanderado de la Democracia Cristiana. Su slogan era "ni un paso atrás" en las conquistas logradas con Frei, Presidente en esos días. Con dos candidatos tan opuestos como Alessandri y Allende, el electorado fue polarizándose. Tomic ofrecía un programa similar al de Allende aunque advertía que se harían los cambios en libertad y democracia.

Allende fue un candidato hábil, nunca se presento como marxista, que de triunfar implantaría el marxismo y la dictadura del proletariado. Y la noche del triunfo repetiría: Mi gobierno no sera un gobierno comunista, ni socialista, ni radical; sera el gobierno de las fuerzas que componen la Unidad Popular..."

El programa de Allende constaba de dos partes, una eran "Las Primeras 40 Medidas". Cuarenta promesas que ofrecía al pueblo: Medio litro de leche para cada niño, los escolares veranearían en la casa presidencial de Viña del Mar, los libros y utiles escolares serian gratuitos, nadie pagaría en los hospitales, las viviendas que no fuesen mansiones estarían exentas de contribuciones, todas las personas mayores de 60 años tendrían jubilación aunque no tuviesen prevision social. La historia demostraría que muchas de esas promesas son difíciles de cumplir, pero el nivel educacional de gran parte de los chilenos de esos tiempos, era bastante precario.

Otras medidas contemplaban la nacionalización de la gran minería del cobre y del hierro, los bancos, la compañía de teléfonos, el comercio exterior, las grandes empresas monopólicas. Las enumeraba serian 45. Pero advertía: "Todas estas expropiaciones se harán siempre con pleno resguardo del pequeño accionista; no vamos a despojar a nadie".

Allende en lo humano convencía: "En treinta y dos años de politico me han dicho de todo, menos que he robado o que soy homosexual".

Allende y su relación con el Partido Comunista

Respecto a que el Partido Comunista pudiera dominarlo se recordaban sus viejas disputas con la colectividad. En 1948 comentaba ante el Senado, que los socialistas chilenos que reconocían muchos de los logros de la Rusia Soviética, rechazaban su organización política y muchas leyes que coartaban las libertades individuales... En verdad desde esos tiempos el Partido Socialista se había ido inclinando hacia la extrema izquierda.

El triunfo de un Allende que se declarase marxista, pero que afirmara que haría un gobierno democrático podia ser aceptado por un chileno mas bien tolerante.

El Diario Ilustrado (de tendencia conservadora) publicaba antes de las elecciones: "Es indudable que no queremos para Chile lo que el Frente Popular trajo a España: templos incendiados, conventos profanados, religiosas violadas".

Con ese clima se desarrollaron las elecciones presidenciales del 4 de Septiembre de 1970.

Allende triunfó en las urnas con 1.075.616 votos (el 36,3%). Segundo, resulto Jorge Alessandri con 1.036.278 votos (34,9%) y tercero, Tomic con 824.849 votos (27,8%).

Allende era virtual ganador aunque con una estrechísima primera mayoría relativa. Le ganaba a Alessandri por apenas 39.000 votos (el 1,4%).

El resultado revelaba también que casi los 2/3 del electorado rechazaba una alternativa marxista. Los que votaron por Alessandri y por Tomic (2 de cada 3 chilenos) creían en la democracia.

El proceso electoral todavía no había terminado la Constitución chilena establecía que quedaba ungido como Presidente electo el ciudadano que obtuviera la mitad +1 de los votos. A Allende le faltaba muchísimo: 400.000 votos (el 15,2 %).

Cuando no existe tal mayoría, la Constitución indica el camino: el Congreso pleno (50 Senadores y 150 diputados) tendrá que elegir entre las dos primeras mayorías. En este caso, tenía que ser entre Allende y Alessandri.

Ambos ante el Congreso pleno llegaban en igualdad de condiciones. La Democracia Cristiana durante la campaña electoral había propuesto crear la segunda vuelta, como en Francia. De este modo el Presidente elegido representaría a las grandes mayorías. Sin embargo ni los partidarios de Alessandri ni los de Allende aceptaron esa iniciativa. 

Jorge Alessandri Rodriguez - Presidente de Chile (1958-1964)

De ahí que quedara sobre el Congreso la trascendental responsabilidad de dirimir el pleito. 

Existía una tradición que para los chilenos pesaba mucho. Hasta entonces siempre el Congreso pleno había respetado la primera mayoría. Incluso durante la campaña los tres candidatos repitieron "el que gane por un voto será el presidente". 

Ahora venía el dramático dilema. Los que votaron por Alessandri argumentaron: es cierto que existe esa traición pero fue entre candidatos democráticos; ahora es abrirle las puertas de la moneda al marxismo, siendo una minoría. 

En el Congreso pleno Allende era también una minoría. Contaba apenas con 78 parlamentarios. Mucho menos de la mitad. Si Allende esperaba ser Presidente, necesariamente debía golpear las puertas de la Democracia Cristiana. Ella con sus 75 parlamentarios decidía.

Pero la Unidad Popular despertaba recelos. Allende estaba acompañado de algunos personajes no deseables. ¿Quién podría garantizar que no ocurriera con él lo mismo que sucedió con Fidel Castro, que en Sierra Maestra se proclamaba demócrata, católico y devoto de la virgen ?

En una dramática reunion, la Junta Nacional de la Democracia Cristiana acordó con sus parlamentarios que le darían el voto a Allende en el Congreso pleno, pero siempre que aceptara el cumplimiento de 7 Estatutos de Garantías Democráticas, las cuales serian incorporadas en la Constitución.

El pleno del Congreso elige a Allende como Presidente de Chile. Más tarde, entrevistado por el periodista Regis Debray, Allende reconoció que su aceptación de las garantías había sido solo una táctica para llegar al Gobierno.

Las 7 garantias eran:

- La Constitución aseguraba la libre creación, existencia y desenvolvimiento de los partidos politicos

- Libre acceso a la prensa, radio y television de todas las corrientes en igualdad de condiciones.

- Constitucionalmente se consagraba que la fuerza publica estaría compuesta exclusivamente por las Fuerzas Armadas y Carabineros, y que no se podrían organizar ni milicias populares ni guardias.

- Las Fuerzas Armadas y Carabineros serian instituciones profesionalizadas, jerarquizadas, obedientes y no deliberantes. Se reservaba a los Comandantes en Jefe la facultad plena para el nombramiento de sus subordinados.

- En el Estatuto de Educación se proclamaba que esta seria independiente de toda orientación ideológica oficial.

- Se reiteraba la garantía constitucional que establece el derecho a asociarse, a través de cooperativas o sindicatos, y que se mantendría el derecho a huelga.

- Se modernizaban las garantías constitucionales del derecho de reunion y de libertad personal.

Por primera vez se manifestaba desconfianza hacia quien seria elegido Presidente de la República. 

El Congreso pleno finalmente eligió a Allende Presidente de Chile con 2 tercios de los parlamentarios: 153 votos contra 35 de Alessandri y 7 en blanco. Así es como la Democracia Cristiana le permitió a Allende llegar a la presidencia de Chile.


Información basada principalmente en la obra de Hernan Millas y Emilio Filippi "Anatomía de un Fracaso".

Hernán Millas nació el 5 de mayo de 1921, y estudió un año de Leyes en la Universidad de Chile, para después dedicarse al periodismo. Trabajó como reportero y columnista en los diarios El Clarín y La Época, en las revistas Ercilla y Hoy, y en la radio Santiago. También escribió varios libros. Y en 1985 recibió el Premio Nacional de Periodismo.

Emilio Filippi, Profesor universitario recibió el Premio Nacional de Periodismo en 1972 con mención en redacción. Inició su vida en el periodismo en 1942 trabajando en el diario “La voz de la columna’’ de Villa Alemana del cual llegó ser su director. En 1965, se incorporó como gerente de publicaciones periodísticas de Zig-Zag.

Fue director de la revista Ercilla entre 1968 y 1976. Fue el  fundador y director de la revista “Hoy’’ y del diario “La Época’’ (1987), que dirigió hasta 1993. Mismo año que fue embajador de Chile en Portugal, nombrado por el Presidente Patricio Aylwin.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

This is Us (2016 - 2022)

                                                             Blog Rating: 9.35 out of 10

Fortunately, it is still possible to find television series that are capable of translating the problems of daily life into a wonderful story.

The simplicity of its plot is one of the most attractive aspects. And it is incredible how a simple narration of daily events can compete with series with a lot of action and special effects, capturing its audience with emotional and unforgettable moments.

Milo Ventimiglia as Jack

"This is Us" chronicles the lives of five members, four of whom have birthdays on the same day. On father Jack's (Milo Ventimiglia) birthday, his wife Rebecca (Mandy Moore) gives birth to triplets; who later participated in the story.

Randall (Sterling K. Brown) a successful businessman who decides to visit his biological father, Kate (Chrissy Metz), the sister who struggles with being overweight, and the comedy star Kevin (Justin Hartley), who in a constant search for his future work ends with his successful television career. All this is just the starting point of a series full of surprises and very good and continuous "raccontos" that allow us to investigate the history of all its characters.

Mandy Moore as Rebecca

The greatness of the series is its ability to transform everyday life situations into great stories. From the beginning of the relationship between Rebecca, the rich girl from a wealthy family, and Jack, the poor working-class boy, to the situations that each of their three children must face.

Kate in the continuous struggle with her weight meets Toby (Chris Sullivan), who falls in love with her and supports her in all her insecurities.

Justin Hartley as Kevin

Kevin on his side tries to become a serious theater actor and tries to leave behind his past as a light TV actor.

And Randall knows his biological father who abandoned him in the time of his excesses.

The good script of the series is essential so that the characters who are becoming more and more lovable move us in many of their moving scenes, not without deep drama.

Chrissy Metz as Kate

The narration of the story that permanently resorts to flashbacks (which, being very well identified, do not risk making you lose the thread) helps us to get to know each of the characters more deeply, Randall's compulsion, the need Kevin's care and Kate's complexes.

Without realising it, we are witnessing many dramas of daily life such as alcoholism, domestic violence, drugs and war, as well as different points of view regarding adoption, homosexuality, weight disorders and frustrated dreams, among others.

Sterling K. Brown as Randall

All the actors have a remarkable performance and the acting is of a very high level. The quality of the dialogues is remarkable, which allows you to easily build a bond with each character.

It is without a doubt one of the best TV series of the last few years.

Niles Fitch (Randall), Hannah Zeile (Kate) & Logan Shroyer (Kevin)  

Directed by Ken Olin, Chris Koch, Glenn Ficarra, John Requa, George Tillman Jr and others

Cast: Milo Ventimiglia, Mandy Moore, Sterling K. Brown, Chrissy Metz, Justin Hartley, Susan Kelechi Watson, Chris Sullivan, Ron Cephas Jones, Donald Todd

Writers: Dan Fogelman, Laura Kenar and others.

Awards: Won 4 Primetime Emmys. Another 55 wins & 266 nominations.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)

 Blog Rating: 8.80 out of 10

The spaceship of Princess Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher), who carries the intercepted secret drawings of the Death Star, a military space station whose firepower allows her to destroy entire planets, is attacked by the forces of the Empire under the command of Lord Darth Vader (David Prowse, voiced by James Earl Jones).

Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia

The princess manages to enter data into the memory of the R2D2 droid (Kenny Baker) and send it along with another robot, the protocol droid C-3PO (Anthony Daniels), to the desert planet Tatooine, where they accidentally reach Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) ), who lives with his uncles, farmers Owen (Phil Brown) and Beru (Shelag Fraser) Larsov.

Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker

Unfortunately, Leia's ship is boarded by the Empire and Commander Darth Vader captures Leia.

From the extract of a holographic message, Luke learns that R2D2 must deliver a message to Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness) and then Luke is involved in a war with the Empire.

This chapter also stars: Harrison Ford (Han Solo), Peter Cushing (Moff Tarkin) and Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca).

Harrison Ford as Han Solo

Star Wars is the first part of the now legendary trilogy "Star Wars", released in theaters in 1977, changed the way of watching movies of several generations. The success was immediate and engendered an incredible fanaticism that elevated the masterpiece to the rank of object of worship throughout the world. At first glance, the story does not seem simple, but George Lucas knows how to intrigue the viewer from the first minutes.

David Prowse as Darth Vader

History is quickly woven around a search but in reality it is not a simple matter: to restore peace and freedom. Luke Skywalker, whose goal is to become a Jedi Knight and thus follow the path of his dead father. He will find his path following Ben, a former Jedi.

Alec Guinness as Obi Wan Kenobi

The visual universe of Star Wars is undoubtedly one of its great assets. George Lucas easily mixes sandy steppes, space and high-tech ships with characters of all kinds (humans, talking hairy monsters and other amazing creatures).

Kenny baker as R2D2

Anthony Daniels as C3PO

The success of this first episode far exceeded the expectations of George Lucas, a director with a unique mind and an extraordinary imagination. The director did not want to sacrifice any detail of his story under the pretext of the lack of technical possibilities: the film was the engine of many new science fiction movie techniques.

Peter Cushing as Grand Moff Tarkin

Lucas's film, which broke all box office records, revolutionized special effects and was also very well received artistically (ten Oscar nominations).

The adventurous fairytale of space not only revolutionized the cinema and the concept of ticket office success, but also settled deeply into our collective memory. Even people who have not yet seen Star Wars know Darth Vader, Yoda, lightsabers or John Williams' immortal fanfare.

STAR WARS is an integral part of our pop culture.

Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca

Star Wars 
Release Year  : 1977
Genre           : Fantasy, science fiction, adventure, action
Country        : USA
Duration       : 121 minutes.
Director        : George Lucas.
Screenwriter : George Lucas.
Composer     : John Williams.
Cameraman  : Gilbert Taylor.

Swedish poster (1977)

Saturday, June 11, 2022

The Hindenburg Disaster (1937)


Frenchman Henri Giffard constructed the first successful airship in 1852. His hydrogen-filled blimp carried a three-horsepower steam engine that turned a large propeller and flew at a speed of six miles per hour. The rigid airship, often known as the “zeppelin” after the last name of its innovator, Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, was developed by the Germans in the late 19th century.

Unlike French airships, the German ships had a light framework of metal girders that protected a gas-filled interior. However, like Giffard’s airship, they were lifted by highly flammable hydrogen gas and vulnerable to explosion.

Large enough to carry substantial numbers of passengers, one of the most famous rigid airships was the Graf Zeppelin, a dirigible that traveled around the world in 1929. In the 1930s, the Graf Zeppelin pioneered the first transatlantic air service, leading to the construction of the Hindenburg, a larger passenger airship.

The Hindenburg flying over New York City

On May 3, 1937, the Hindenburg left Frankfurt, Germany, for a journey across the Atlantic to Lakehurst’s Navy Air Base. Stretching 804 feet from stern to bow, it carried 36 passengers and crew of 61. While attempting to moor at Lakehurst, the airship suddenly burst into flames, probably after a spark ignited its hydrogen core.

Rapidly falling 200 feet to the ground, the hull of the airship incinerated within seconds. 13 passengers, 21 crewmen, and 1 civilian member of the ground crew lost their lives, and most of the survivors suffered substantial injuries.

The Hindenburg was a 245-metre- (804-foot-) long airship of conventional zeppelin design that was launched at Friedrichshafen, Germany, in March 1936. It had a maximum speed of 135 km (84 miles) per hour and a cruising speed of 126 km (78 miles) per hour.

Inside view of the Hindenburg

Though it was designed to be filled with helium gas, the airship was filled with highly flammable hydrogen because of export restrictions by the United States against Nazi Germany. In 1936 the Hindenburg inaugurated commercial air service across the North Atlantic by carrying 1,002 passengers on 10 scheduled round trips between Germany and the United States.

On May 6, 1937, while landing at Lakehurst, New Jersey, on the second of its scheduled 1937 transatlantic crossings, the Hindenburg burst into flames and was completely destroyed. Of the 97 persons aboard, 35 were killed. One member of the ground crew also perished.

The fire was officially attributed to a discharge of atmospheric electricity in the vicinity of a hydrogen gas leak from the airship, though it was speculated that the dirigible had been the victim of an anti-Nazi act of sabotage. The Hindenburg disaster, which was recorded on film and on phonograph disc, marked the end of the use of rigid airships in commercial air transportation.

Saturday, June 04, 2022

Ozark - A tense and entertaining thriller

Blog Rating: 9.15 out of 10

The Byrdes and their teenage children, Charlotte and Jonah, are for all intents and purposes an ordinary family with ordinary lives. Except for the job of Marty, a Chicago financial advisor who also serves as the top money launderer for the second largest drug cartel in Mexico.

When things go wrong, Marty must uproot his family from the skyscrapers of Chicago and relocate to the serene Lake of the Ozarks region of Missouri.

To stay alive, he promised his boss that he could hide several million dollars from the drug business.

However, when they arrive in Ozark, things are not so simple and they agree to take over a strip club to launder the money.

To make matters worse, he gets into trouble with the criminal gang, the Langmores, who want him dead.

Ozark is a rather tense narrative story but very entertaining and easy to follow. Jason Bateman plays a character very similar to the anti-hero of Breaking Bad. Highly recommended.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Time in Between - El Tiempo entre Costuras

Blog Rating: 8.75 out of 10

The story is set in 1936. Sira Quiroga, 20 years old, the daughter of a seamstress, leaves Madrid to follow the man she loves in Tangier. Abandoned and quickly stripped of the jewelry her father had given her, she must use her seamstress skills to survive.

She opens a fashion house in Tetouan, the capital of the Spanish protectorate of Morocco. Thanks to her clientele, composed mainly of wives of high German officials, Sira has access to very useful information for the British.

"The time in between" is a mixture, half romance and half thriller, that evokes the most outstanding aspects of a problematic period, the one of the civil war, that concluded with the victory of the nationalists on the republicans and the access to the power of general Franco. Then, the Germans tried to take Spain to join them in World War II.

The series only paints a very impressionistic picture of history, but highlights disagreements within the government, shared between support for the Third Reich and cooperation with the United Kingdom.

You can appreciate the care given in the reconstitution of the 30's and 40's, thanks to the correct choice of shooting locations, from Madrid to Tetouan, through Tangier and Lisbon, but also thanks to costumes, accessories, especially cars and the selection of musical illustrations from that era.

The miniseries, which adapts the homonymous novel by María Dueñas, is highlighted by a brilliant photography, a neat artistic direction and an omnipresent music constantly underlining the image.

It is a series well set in the time and with a wonderful music created by Cesar Benito (Spanish composer and director), a work to enjoy.

El Tiempo entre Costuras (Original Soundtrack) in Spotify

Friday, May 06, 2022

Strike of truckers continues in Bio Bio region (South of Chile)


The demonstrations of the truckers continue, mainly on routes 5 South (which includes the Santiago-Concepcion section) and 160. It should be noted that yesterday afternoon the representatives of the truckers met with government delegates in search of reaching an agreement and be able to finish strike. However, during the night the truckers reported that they would not end the strike until the armed forces guard the highway.

In relation to the same topic, please note news from a local newspaper:

Despite the fact that five groups of truckers accepted an agreement with the government, to put an end to the mobilizations that the unions maintained due to the latest attacks that cargo drivers have suffered in the South Macrozone; this Friday some truckers continue on strike.

The presidential delegate of Biobío, Daniela Dresdner, had indicated on Thursday afternoon that “we have reached an agreement with the different organizations with which we began to talk since Sunday. Today we are reaching this agreement that will allow us to advance in the solutions to the underlying problems, which are the security problems, but also to ensure some conditions for the families and for all the people who are and have been in danger”.

However, a group of transporters maintain the mobilizations and as a result Route 5 (main Chilean highway) is cut off at Duqueco (Los Angeles, Bío Bío Region) with a path enabled in each direction of Route 5 for the transit of minor vehicles, small trucks, buses and transportation of essential goods in general.

Specifically, the transporters indicated that they have a condition to stop the mobilizations on the routes: while the constitutional reform that would allow an intermediate state is worked on and enacted, they request that the State of Constitutional Exception be resumed in the area to allow the presence of the Armed Forces as a result of the acts of violence.

In this regard, the president of the Federation of Freight Transport Workers, Eriberto López, mentioned that "in the document -in its first paragraph- it never speaks of an agreement, it speaks of proposals, but here today to get out of this, while the enactment of the law, we came out with a State of Constitutional Exception and it will depend on their speed so that this State of Constitutional Exception lasts as little as possible”.

"The State of Constitutional Exception is the necessary guarantee that would be needed to finish the strike," López said.

In addition, the leader added that "this is still an intermediate state because according to our vision and according to the vision that the country has, a State of Siege should be decreed in the area of ​​the forest macrozone."

In a public statement, the Federation of Transport and Forest Unions (Fetracarfor) expressed “absolute distrust of the political class in this country. Permanently, all sectors have shown their indolence and little will to solve the problem of violence that affects the workers and families of the southern macro zone”.

In the letter, the carriers added that they feel "helpless and completely abandoned by the authorities."

Terrorist attack in the South Macrozone

In the statement, the union warns that, if "the State of Exception is not implemented immediately in the southern macrozone and the Province of Arauco", they will remain mobilized on the routes.

The National Confederation of Truck Owners of Chile (CNDC), reported that this day they will hold a "Regional Meeting of Truckers" in the city of Concepción, where they will discuss the agreement reached with the government.

Through a statement, published this morning on its twitter account, the union announced that the agreement seems to them an "advance" but they assure that "there is a lack of law that protects highways and works."

Regarding the creation of the intermediate states, the Minister of the Interior, Izkia Siches, assured this morning that "we have been analysing different measures to be able to advance in the protection of the roads, as well as the support of our Armed Forces."

And in that sense, she affirmed that a project is being prepared to replace the one that is already in a mixed commission, with different characteristics from the critical infrastructure project presented during the previous administration.

On this, from the Fetracarfor union, they described as "insufficient the constitutional proposal of an intermediate state, since we will not know how long this will be processed in Congress and if in the future it will prevent us from freely demonstrating on the highways of the south", they wrote in a statement.

Source: La Tercera

Sunday, May 01, 2022

The issues that distance Chileans from the Constitutional Convention

Surveys in recent weeks have shown that the majority of Chileans are against many of the positions that the Constitutional Convention has taken and approved, which is currently drafting a text that will be voted on in a plebiscite set for next Sep.4th 2022.

This is how 5 of the best-known companies in the statistical field (CADEM, Feedback, Pulso Ciudadano, Criteria and Tu influyes), have registered a slight or great support for the option to reject the draft constitutional text that is being drafted.

Legal Pluralism

72% were against that persons from indigenous peoples being tried by courts other than the Chilean ones, and on the contrary, 81% supported that everyone respond to the law under the same conditions.


Other issues consulted are related to the concept of ownership, for example, what should happen in the event of an expropriation by the State of a person or company, where 75% support the idea that the affected party be compensated with the market value. The issue has not yet been defined in the Convention, but so far it has been agreed to pay "a fair price", a rather ambiguous expression when we think of what the State must pay for an expropriated asset.


In relation to pensions, the Convention has already approved the creation of a Social Security System, but leaves the definition of what the model will be to the State. What is already known is that the current government is in favor of a pay-as-you-go system and against the current individual capitalization system that now exists in Chile.

The non-expropriation of the funds was one of the issues raised and widely voted on in citizen participation consultations, however this was rejected by the Convention.

Additionally, the citizenry has an almost unanimous position, where 94% agree that the ownership of current and future pension funds be guaranteed and that they also remain inheritable to the beneficiaries of the pensioner.

Regarding who manages the savings, the result is also clear, 91% want to have the option of choosing who manages their funds, a public or private entity.

Exit Plebiscite Perspective

When asked: Would you vote to approve or reject the Constitution proposed by the Constitutional Convention in the exit plebiscite in September of this year?

The option Rejection of the new Constitution (46%) remains for the fifth consecutive week over Approval (36%).

18% do not know or do not respond. In relation to the main options, 10 points is a statistically significant difference.

* Source: Pulso Ciudadano Survey - UDD, CADEM survey & El Mercurio